Oil Industry
About The Company
Monthly scientific and technical magazine "Oil Industry" has been published since 1920. The main subjects are: geology and geological exploration, well drilling technologies, oilfield development and exploitation, production, oil transportation, environmental protection, oilfield equipment, IT in the oil industry, etc.
The magazine is included on the list of publications taken into consideration by the Highest Attestation Committee for doctoral defense dissertations, the Russian citation index, the international citation system “Scopus” as well as the Russian Science Citation Index of the “Web of Science” platform.
The circulation is 3000 copies.
Журнал «Нефтяное Хозяйство»
117997, г. Москва, Софийская наб., 26/1
Tel: +7 (495) 231-1090, 231-1091
e-mail: [email protected]