The Association of Drilling Contractors
About The Company
The Association of Drilling Contractors (ADC) was founded in 1991 by drilling companies and organizations controlled by the Ministries of Oil and Gas Industries of the former USSR.
The core activities of the Association of Drilling Contractors, in accordance with its foundation documents, are:
- To promote active communication and closer ties between industry professionals, as well as the ties between drilling contractors and producers of equipment and materials for onshore and offshore drilling, research institutions, international firms and organizations, and state supervisory authorities;
- To take part in the development of the legal framework regulating the relationship between drilling contractors and other participants to investment projects involving oil and gas field development; to develop and approve, as required by law, technical standard documentation, in accordance with the applicable law and international standards;
- To assess the current situation and trends in the drilling sector, to set priorities for technological progress in well construction, to upgrade the skills of drilling specialists;
- To develop design and budget documentation for onshore and offshore well drilling projects, to perform feasibility studies and prepare oil and gas field development programs, to review detailed design documentation for construction of hydrotechnical facilities, to issue industrial safety declarations.
The Association of Drilling Contractors currently comprises more than 120 companies and organizations, including major oil and gas producers, research institutions of the industry, leading manufacturing plants.
The journal publishes scientific and technical articles in topical issues of technique and technology of construction of vertical, directional, horizontal, multibranch and ultradeep oil and gas wells; development of offshore oil and gas fields, industrial and environmental safety in the oil and gas industry. This journal is connecting science and oil and gas industry.
of.21029,63/2, Leninskiy Pr-kt, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Tel/Fax: +7 (495) 380-72-30.
E-mail: [email protected]